GROUP 21 - Music Video 2008/9: October 2008

Friday 3 October 2008

Green Screen

From our first attempt at green screen we learnt that the it's better to stand further away from the wall to reduce the green glare on our clothes, so that parts of our body doesn't fade away from the image.

Thursday 2 October 2008

Blog Peer Assessment Feedback

After participating in this event, we received a lot of constructive criticism.
Overall, the general opinion was that our blog was at a level 2 standard. This is because our initial idea has not been developed, as well as a lack of location shots.
It was mentioned that our band research was well done, and that some ideas were well explained. However, it was written that more test footage should be shown.
Another point of criticism was that alot of out blog was feedback and/or lyrics, but this may have been because we forgot to include the archived sections.